I hope someone can help here, I was just wondering if anyone had any information on how vorzeitiger Mutterschutz works. Is it possible to go on Mutterschutz from the end of the 13th week? My doctor told me that I would be off from the 22nd March(13w6t), but from what I've read online it is normally from the end of the 15th week, is that correct?
Thank you!
Anyone who can help Lauren? That'd be great.
Thank you all,
read on the WKO Homepage (german: https://www.wko.at/service/arbeitsrecht-sozialrecht/Beschaeftigungsverbot.html) that it could also be earlier if there are some
special medical reasons. But I can not find which these reasons are. I am sure your gynecologist should know them.
I hope I could help you :-)
Regards Judith
On this site it does mention 'before the end of 15th week I think? But not sure in what context and if this would apply.
Die Ausstellung eines Freistellungszeugnisses vor Ablauf der 15. Schwangerschaftswoche ist bei Vorliegen dieser Indikationen nur zulässig, wenn besondere Umstände das frühere Beschäftigungsverbot zwingend erforderlich machen.
Sorry for all of this being in English, but my German is definitely not at a level where I could explain this!
Thanks again for your help!