Any English speakers around here?

Hi all!
Lukas (Sept 2022) and I (March 1988) are looking for some friends for playdates in the Neunkirchen/Wr. Neustadt/Baden area. I'm from Scotland originally and my partner is Austrian and we are active nature lovers who love to explore the area by foot, bicycle and motorbike (mostly just motorcycle maintenance now since Lukas joined us!). Hit us up if you'd like to go on a playdate! Leider ist mein Deutsch noch etwas langsam und ich habe einige Schwierigkeiten mit den Dialekt.


  • How cool!

    I’m not a native, I’ve lived in the US a couple of years though and I miss chatting in English.

    My son (2019) and daughter (2021) aren’t raised bilingual but maybe you’re still interested in meeting for a walk or so. Just inbox if you’re into it 😬
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