Vienna Babies Club International Fleamarket Vienna



bearbeitet 17. 09. 2014, 12:27 in Wien
Hi everybody,

I'm happy to announce that the Vienna Babies Club International in Vienna is organising a fleamarket the coming weeking. All expats and also Austrian mums and paps are welcome. It might be a cool way to connect to other families and to make new friends.

Date: Sunday, 21. September 2014
Time: 09:00 - 13:00
Location: Don Bosco Haus, St. Veit Gasse 25, 1130 Wien

You can find all the information in our fleamarket directory. Be sure to inform your friends.

Mentioning @Hippiemom, @McKinnes, @Stephans_mum, @LiLu13, @MadameS as you might be interested in this.

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