Hi, I am living and working in Austria and just found out I'm expecting my first!
It would be nice to know some other English speaking mommies in the area to go through this together!
Hi @Hippiemom
I'm neither expecting (yet) nor a native English speaker, but my boyfriend is speaking English natively, so once we actually have a child, it is going to be raised speaking English and German. I can't really help you with pregnancy stuff yet, since I don't have any kids yet, but I'm hoping to get there soon.
Congratulations to you by the way! Let me know if I can help you in any way
we already have our wee monkey and we still haven´t found any native english speakers so maybe we can meet up sometime.
I am from austria but my husband is from scotland where we used to live together for quite a few years.
We are raising our boy both german and english (with a scottish twang ;-) ) which works quite well so far. He is 18 month now and understands both languages the same.
Where are you staying? We are living in Wr. Neustadt so if you are anywhere around here we could meet up.
Hi, thanks for commenting! I'm from Canada but I'm living here in Austria with my bf, and we are definitely planning on teaching our child English and German. It would be awesome to learn some tips about how to raise your child bilingual! Unfortunately @Mckinnes I'm not close to you at all. I'm in Kärnten! I just kind of feel out of the loop here sometimes. I don't have many friends and I find it difficult to connect with people who I can't really communicate with! It's tough, but I'm hoping to find some pregnancy groups, with hopefully English speakers, just so I can start to make some friends with a common interest!!
hi hippiemom,
i am also from kärnten...but no native speaker at all...but i worked in an international company...our main working language was basically english...now i am enjoying maternaty leave, my son is now almost 5 weeks :-)
where from kärnten are you from?
Congratulations @Hippiemom. I'm not a native speaker, but I'm also expecting my first baby - due date is September 1 and I'm very excited about it.
Unfortunately, I'm not close to carinthia as I'm living in vienna, but I'm happy to chat about pregnancy stuff in the forum.
When is your baby due?
Hey @ all! I am from Villach and expect my first child in august. My boyfriend is from italy and we plan to rise up our child with 2 languages. Italian and german. At home we speak english so it will be interesting when our baby starts to understand. Would be nice to meet some mommies who rised up the childs bilingual....
Hi, so my case is a little complex. I am an Austrian who was raised in Canada who now married an Austrian... My german writing is ok but I do not feel that comfortable writing on the boards with my awful grammer (mixing up die, der, das, dem, etc...). I would like to know if there are any english speaking mothers-to-be still out there? It would be great to talk to someone and to be able to fully express what I am thinking and feeling
Hi, I do speak English as well. I am native Austrian therefore I make a lot of grammar mistakes when writing in English
You can write in German as well, I think Grammar mistakes are no problem for the people
I have a nearly one year old son and I will get a daughter in Feb 2016 :x
Hi, can i join to? i'm austrian but quite a while now, i read english books and watch everything in english. My writing is pretty bad, hope you don't minde. Maby we can benefit from each other.
My daugther is now 5 months old and we livw in lower austria
@tt_2015: Hi and hello, feel welcome here. I'm super happy to see some english speaking users here on the boards. Let's activate a little community around other languages here on Babyforum.at.
If there is more language diversity here i'd love to open a seperate category named "International" or with a similar name.
Hey, i am an expecting Mum as well. I am not a native but i lived in the US for 2 Years and i would love to speak with a native...feel free to contact me.
Thanks everyone Like I said, i can write in German but yah... I consider English my mother tongue even though i grew up with both english and german and it is always easier to express yourself in your own language.
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I'm neither expecting (yet) nor a native English speaker, but my boyfriend is speaking English natively, so once we actually have a child, it is going to be raised speaking English and German. I can't really help you with pregnancy stuff yet, since I don't have any kids yet, but I'm hoping to get there soon.
Congratulations to you by the way! Let me know if I can help you in any way
we already have our wee monkey and we still haven´t found any native english speakers so maybe we can meet up sometime.
I am from austria but my husband is from scotland where we used to live together for quite a few years.
We are raising our boy both german and english (with a scottish twang ;-) ) which works quite well so far. He is 18 month now and understands both languages the same.
Where are you staying? We are living in Wr. Neustadt so if you are anywhere around here we could meet up.
Where are you from?
i am also from kärnten...but no native speaker at all...but i worked in an international company...our main working language was basically english...now i am enjoying maternaty leave, my son is now almost 5 weeks :-)
where from kärnten are you from?
Unfortunately, I'm not close to carinthia as I'm living in vienna, but I'm happy to chat about pregnancy stuff in the forum.
When is your baby due?
You can write in German as well, I think Grammar mistakes are no problem for the people
I have a nearly one year old son and I will get a daughter in Feb 2016 :x
My daugther is now 5 months old and we livw in lower austria
If there is more language diversity here i'd love to open a seperate category named "International" or with a similar name.