Ich sollte eine KS habenin rudolfstiftung und der Vater darf nicht dabei sein. Ich wunder mich wo kann man das Handy und Geld lassen ohne Gefahr dass sie gestohlen wurden
Soweit ich weiß gibt es in jedem Zimmer einen Safe bzw. zumindest abschließbare Laden. Mhhh der Papa kommt also nicht mit zur Entbindung um bei der Frau zu sein sondern um auf die Wertsachen aufzupassen??
Finde die Frage seltsam.
Als Patientin du liegst dort nacked 😂 der Vater hat Taschen wo das Handy und Geldtasche haben kann 😝.
Ich Frage weil die Sachen verschwinden...
Ich finde dass nicht so nett wenn man eine Frage stellt und die andere an sich lächeln 🙄... Es ist stressig genug und dachte dass hier war für miteinander Unterstützung aber...
Naja was erwartest du bei so einer abstrusen Frage (welche dir trotzdem 2x beantwortet wurde)? Ich mein, ernsthaft- was glaubst was die anderen Patienten alle machen die alleine ins Spital gehen?! Alleinstehende, Notfälle etc...
Ok du bist ein aggressives Mensch das ist dein Problem.
Ich habe gefragt über bestimmte Erfahrungen in einem bestimmte KH. jeder KH ist unterschiedlich deswegen möchte ich wissen ob vielleicht Kästchen oder etwas ähnliches gibt oder nichts dann ich was zu nehmen
Ich kann auch sagen dass die andere fragen in Forum sind total absurd und und und aber es wird niemand helfen. Wann du nichts schönes zu sagen hast besser nichts schreiben
Naja Deutsch ist nicht meine Muttersprache es ist ganz klar aber nochmal... You just proof once again how nice you can be 😝😝.
And I didn't want to already call them because I thought that normal people who went through this stressful situation would more understanding and answer without judging (which is obviously not your case 😝)
I already answered- you'll be able to lock it (own room) or give it to your nurse! Other ones too.
Second one I sent you a pic with numbers to ask at- nothing unfriendly just a possibility but you need to bite again 🤦🏼♀️
And about to be nice.... no "hello" not a real question -but everybody should know what exactly you wanna know-. Should i be ashamed now because you go on in englisch? Come on 🥴
Go to the "here i am thread" and start again.
@Eos well honestly my husband was with me during c-section and I don't remember where my valuables were 🙈
I did not even have a room at this time 🤔
Especially now that there are no visitors allowed I would not expect that your things will be stolen 🤔
I hear a lot of horror stories around stuff being stolen at the hospitals and I would hate to loose my Id documents now with the actual situation or the e-card. The problem with the phone is that I will need it to call my husband and see that he is allowed in after the c section otherwise he will be standing outside forever. They have new rules now and a complicated system to allow the fathers get in.
But I think you are right with less visitors, the risk of things disappearing is not that high now! Thanks for your reassuring answer 😁
I already answered- you'll be able to lock it (own room) or give it to your nurse! Other ones too.
Second one I sent you a pic with numbers to ask at- nothing unfriendly just a possibility but you need to bite again 🤦🏼♀️
And about to be nice.... no "hello" not a real question -but everybody should know what exactly you wanna know-. Should i be ashamed now because you go on in englisch? Come on 🥴
Go to the "here i am thread" and start again.
I am switching to English because you have being bullying me because of my German. I feel more confident in English. I tried to make an effort to write in German out of politeness for everyone.
Again stop being mean to me this is not helpful nor nice. This forum is for sharing and support not this kind of mean behaviour and bullying new members
Sure all has been a missunderstanding but- when you assume to me to be an aggressive person and to "have Problems".... so thats bullying in the same way. I gave two hints willingly to help. You only read what you want to. So thats fine for me.
-and my Switch was (even when you ignore that circumstance) just cause it seemed you act better in there but is really tedious for me cause of the damn autocorrect to german every word. But yeah- seems I am really mean 😑
Have a boring pregnancy (omg I bet you feel this as an attacke too- meanwhile it just means you not to have any bad surprise till Baby comes) and have a wonderful get together with the baby even when daddy will maybe stay outside.🙏
Sure all has been a missunderstanding but- when you assume to me to be an aggressive person and to "have Problems".... so thats bullying in the same way. I gave two hints willingly to help. You only read what you want to. So thats fine for me.
-and my Switch was (even when you ignore that circumstance) just cause it seemed you act better in there but is really tedious for me cause of the damn autocorrect to german every word. But yeah- seems I am really mean 😑
Have a boring pregnancy (omg I bet you feel this as an attacke too- meanwhile it just means you not to have any bad surprise till Baby comes) and have a wonderful get together with the baby even when daddy will maybe stay outside.🙏
Thanks for your wishes! I appreciate it 👍👍
Honestly you have to reread the two answers I got where you were (let's be honest) making fun of me (as well as the other participant) and said it is an absurd question. It is probably a stupid question that was why I didn't want to call the hospital for that and felt more comfortable asking moms who went through it themselves. So yes that was an agression especially with the second reaction telling me "well what are you expecting with such a question". This is why for me you appeared aggressive and mean. And on top of it you had to point out my bad German 😝.
Mean mean Mensch lol
I don't like holding grudges. We had a rocky start but I am sure we will en up friends 😂
Come on huggy huggy and no bad feelings!!
Hey!1 Frage - 100 Antworten!
Im BabyForum kannst du dich einfach, sicher und anonym mit (werdenden) Mamas und Papas in deiner Nähe austauschen. Registriere dich jetzt, um alle Bereiche zu sehen und mitzuplaudern:Kostenlos registrieren
Hey & Hallo im Forum!
Neu hier? Dann tritt der BabyForum-Community bei um alle Inhalte zu sehen und (werdende) Eltern kennenzulernen! Hier lang...
Für deinen aller ersten Post schon sehr.... hmmm. Naja 🙈
Es gibt genug Möglichkeiten seine Wertsachen im Spital zu verwahren als auch verwahren zu lassen!
Finde die Frage seltsam.
Ich Frage weil die Sachen verschwinden...
Ich finde dass nicht so nett wenn man eine Frage stellt und die andere an sich lächeln 🙄... Es ist stressig genug und dachte dass hier war für miteinander Unterstützung aber...
Ich habe gefragt über bestimmte Erfahrungen in einem bestimmte KH. jeder KH ist unterschiedlich deswegen möchte ich wissen ob vielleicht Kästchen oder etwas ähnliches gibt oder nichts dann ich was zu nehmen
Ich kann auch sagen dass die andere fragen in Forum sind total absurd und und und aber es wird niemand helfen. Wann du nichts schönes zu sagen hast besser nichts schreiben
And I didn't want to already call them because I thought that normal people who went through this stressful situation would more understanding and answer without judging (which is obviously not your case 😝)
Bullies and mean people are everywhere 👍😉
I did not even have a room at this time 🤔
Especially now that there are no visitors allowed I would not expect that your things will be stolen 🤔
Second one I sent you a pic with numbers to ask at- nothing unfriendly just a possibility but you need to bite again 🤦🏼♀️
And about to be nice.... no "hello" not a real question -but everybody should know what exactly you wanna know-. Should i be ashamed now because you go on in englisch? Come on 🥴
Go to the "here i am thread" and start again.
I hear a lot of horror stories around stuff being stolen at the hospitals and I would hate to loose my Id documents now with the actual situation or the e-card. The problem with the phone is that I will need it to call my husband and see that he is allowed in after the c section otherwise he will be standing outside forever. They have new rules now and a complicated system to allow the fathers get in.
But I think you are right with less visitors, the risk of things disappearing is not that high now! Thanks for your reassuring answer 😁
I am switching to English because you have being bullying me because of my German. I feel more confident in English. I tried to make an effort to write in German out of politeness for everyone.
Again stop being mean to me this is not helpful nor nice. This forum is for sharing and support not this kind of mean behaviour and bullying new members
Sure all has been a missunderstanding but- when you assume to me to be an aggressive person and to "have Problems".... so thats bullying in the same way. I gave two hints willingly to help. You only read what you want to. So thats fine for me.
-and my Switch was (even when you ignore that circumstance) just cause it seemed you act better in there but is really tedious for me cause of the damn autocorrect to german every word. But yeah- seems I am really mean 😑
Have a boring pregnancy (omg I bet you feel this as an attacke too- meanwhile it just means you not to have any bad surprise till Baby comes) and have a wonderful get together with the baby even when daddy will maybe stay outside.🙏
Thanks for your wishes! I appreciate it 👍👍
Honestly you have to reread the two answers I got where you were (let's be honest) making fun of me (as well as the other participant) and said it is an absurd question. It is probably a stupid question that was why I didn't want to call the hospital for that and felt more comfortable asking moms who went through it themselves. So yes that was an agression especially with the second reaction telling me "well what are you expecting with such a question". This is why for me you appeared aggressive and mean. And on top of it you had to point out my bad German 😝.
Mean mean Mensch lol
I don't like holding grudges. We had a rocky start but I am sure we will en up friends 😂
Come on huggy huggy and no bad feelings!!